Customer Testimonials

Real stories from happy customers 😁

EnquiryBot generates soo many new patient enquiries that it pays for itself! Not only that but we are also receiving higher quality and more qualified patients on a daily basis.

Yogeeta Bawa

Time Clinic

We all love it! Love seeing so many enquiries coming through!!

Rachel Danks

The Abbey Hotel

Enquirybot has helped boost data capture through our website significantly! I really like the fact that we can customisable the chat journeys on each page on our website which other bots couldn't facilitate.

James Eley


Great tool to allow customers to quickly get the information they need without having to trawl through your website. Great for our small office team to have a single source of enquiries which tracks responses in one place. Highly recommend!

Kris Bezzant

Southwick Park Golf Club

£400,000 of potential wedding bookings in a month!

Jo Newell

Essendon golf and country club

Where customer service is concerned, EnquiryBot is like going from a 1-star to a 5-star hotel experience. It lets us serve our customers better and they get a better experience from using the technology. We’ve significantly increased both the volume of enquiries and our conversion rate. I can’t recommend EnquiryBot highly enough

Shaun Smith

beverly park golf club

We went from live Chat which was manually answered to this, which now saves time / staff hours and the whole process is slick and easy to use. I would 100% reccomend!

Queensway Orthodontics

Specialist orthodontic practice

Our Enquirybot is the voice of our website. It adds a personal touch to when speaking to the customer to generate leads and get all the right information from them.

Claire Rawson


Enquirybot has helped us tremendously through our first year of being open as a brand-new dental practice. The team are always on hand to help and really listen to you. We would have no hesitation to recommend Enquiry Bot to any business for their website. Special mention to the support team for their help with integrating our social media pages to the platform too - 5 stars!

The Team

Priors hall Dental

We have been using the EnquiryBot platform for some time now. We are receiving approximately ninety enquiries per month and find it very easy to use. same as any software, the more you put in the more you get out. Adam has been very help and we have had additional support for team members on a few occasions and he is always happy to assist.

Tony Crawford


The EnquiryBot team have been amazing to work with and offer great ideas and solutions, nothing is ever a problem for them. As a business, we have experienced great interaction from people looking at our website and talking to our Bot! Would definitely recommend EnquiryBot as an alternative to engage users with your website and products! 😁

Aimee Longbottom

First National Coast & Country

The team at Enquiry bot are a great support. They're efficient, friendly and clear. Nothing is too much hassle and everything is explained in a way that's understood!!

Siobhan Brinicombe

Aurora Dental Clinics

Our sales enquiries have doubled in the first 30 days!



The team were super helpful and very quick to resolve my query. Afterwards I received a phone call to make sure I had fully understand and the guided me through a learning portal so I could do by myself in future. Very happy and everyday is a learning day. Thank you :)

Aimee Whitfield


We've more than tripled the number of sales enquiries!

Paul Keen

Verulam golf club

We can honestly say that I have been amazed at the results. It has been so easy to use, track and indeed gain business through the Bot. It has quite literally meant that AstonWood has been open for 24 hours a day- 7 Days a week!! I now walk in every day to leads that have been received, qualified and sent to the correct person to deal with. It has been so much easier walking into a ‘todo list’ with out having to trawl through the e-mail system.

The Team


It's made people feel that we are contactable even when we are stretched and busy. I would most certainly recommend Enquirybot!

Lorna Saunders


We've increased our inbound enquiries by nearly 800%

Matt Mayfield

harewood downs golf club

Enquiry Bot has been a game-changer for our group of dental practices enabling us to manage our incoming enquiries at group level – we particularly like the customizable funnel pipeline, which allows us to track/develop our enquiries, as well as the “always on” web chat which helps convert our website visitors.  

The Team


Amazing service by Enquirybot! We have two bots at work and two separate sites, and it streamlines the enquiries that come in. The team have been very helpful from day one, helping to set the bots and then streamline the process on one management page. Having the bot on our website, has helped us bring in more enquiries and still keep in contact with our potential customers.

Dulanjan Kaggoda


The product is  easy to navigate and is great for additional lead generation. Whenever I have some sort of question, the team at Enquiry Bot are always quick to communicate and are very helpful.

The Team